Urban Suburban Mommy

Mall Santa

Some people hunt out the ‘best’ mall Santa, others relish the pictures just for the memories of each Christmas. My favourites are the hysterical children screaming away while trying to escape the clutches of Mall-Santa. I’ve never been one to…

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The Struggle is Real

Bath or shower?

bath or shower

I think my love of baths must be genetic. I have always been a bather. I would bathe for hours while I wrote term papers. I would take ‘bird baths’ – quick little baths instead of a shower – before…

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Mommy Approved

App App App App

urban suburban apps

We don’t know how our mothers did it, but we can’t imagine a world without apps. What’s on your homescreen? In no particular order, here are a few of our faves! Suburban Mommy Michelle tells it: 1. SONGZA It’s free, which…

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