Mommy Approved

Day dates

Urban Daddy and I have a thing – we do day dates. I’m a 9-to-5er, while he’s got odd and ever-changing hours because he works in the film industry. We don’t get a lot of evenings together, and when we…

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Delicious Dishes

Seared tuna steaks

seared tuna steak

We barbecue everything, and we barbecue all year long – whether it’s snowing, raining or the sun is shining. There’s nothing like the flavour of something hot off the grill. We have a great barbecue, I bought it for my…

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Mommy Approved

Mommy’s night out

I have to admit, one of the things I truly miss is sleeping in on a Saturday morning – especially after a late Friday night out. I go out with my friends occasionally – the hubby too, when I can…

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Delicious Dishes

Barbecued ginger salmon

My boys love fish. Actually, if I ask my 7 year old what he wants for dinner, he’ll usually say “sea creatures.” I think he’s secretly holding out for blowfish, but he’ll try any type of seafood, and he’s open…

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Bon Voyage

Let’s get cruising

I have to admit I have had this negative thing about “cruises” in my head.  I’ll get sea sick, I feel stranded, my kids will go stir crazy.  You get the picture.  But so many of our friends have had…

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