The Best You

You’re not *just* a mom

Wellness isn’t all yoga and smoothies, vitamins and the newest fad diet. Sure, sleep, eating right, regular doctors visits and keeping hydrated are all extremely beneficial when it comes to wellness, but you know what? Sometimes it needs to be all…

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The Struggle is Real

Oh sugar.

There are two types of snackers in this world. The first are sweets people, the second are savoury snackers. Whether you can control yourself or you’re an indulger, there’s always a go-to. Yes, those salty, garlicky kale chips in your hand, for…

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Delicious Dishes

Tea for everything

I stopped drinking coffee about 10 years ago. (Urban Mommy Elisa here, I don’t think Michelle would consider giving up caffeine). It was a baaaaaad habit. I was never without a full mug of black coffee all day long. I was…

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