The Struggle is Real

“Me Time” even if it means staying up late…

I am almost always tired. I usually fall into bed at a reasonable hour – most nights anyways. But every once in a while I need to stay up late. Sometimes it’s binging on a TV show or reading or taking a bath. Occasionally I need to have a marathon gab session with my bestie. And every once in a long while I find myself just Googling the hell out of weird stuff until I’ve gone so far down a rabbit hole I find myself reading about vestigial tails.


I used to be a night owl. I’m still more myself at night than I am in the first 5 or 6 hours I’m up – especially when my day starts at 6am!

The days are filled with cleaning and housekeeping and long hours at work. There’s fun with the kids and chores and teaching and learning. It’s all good, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But every now and then I need a few hours of ‘me’ time.

It took me a long time to understand that ‘me time’ wasn’t a bad thing, and it wasn’t because I wasn’t enjoying the rest of my day. “Me time” is just pretty rare and much too indulgent when there are other little wonderous human beings depending on you for each and every one of their needs. They just come first. And bit by bit, you forget to do your own stuff.

“Me time” is worth staying up for – once in a while!